

World's Scariest Food


Popis: Hagfish have loose-fitting skin (think naked mole rat) and are opportunistic scavengers who crawl the ocean floor for dead or dying creatures. Target acquired, they burrow inside, and eat their way out. They also have many nicknames, none of them pleasant. "Slime eels” and “snot snakes,” are just two, however, hagfish are neither snakes nor eels. They're actually jawless fish. The confusion comes because they look like eels. One of their superpowers is their ability to excrete up to 20 litres of milky mucus when under stress. You don't want to creep up on these guys! The mucus is a unique defence mechanism that has allowed hagfish to roam the ocean floors for 300 million years. When under attack, the hagfish’s slime coats its predator's gills, suffocating it. But while the slime may scare predators, it’s actually part of the hagfish’s gastronomic appeal, particularly in Korean cuisine. Because the hagfish slime is fibrous and packed full of protein, it can be used as an egg white substitute. Hagfish are sometimes trapped in cages, which are shake, rattled and rolled to scare them into secreting their slime which is then collected. In the fish markets of Korea, it’s common to see hagfish skinned alive and grilled in combo with onion and garlic. In a horrific show, hagfish writhe in snotty circles until they die. Then they are cooked, diced, and seasoned with a red pepper sauce. Alternatively they can be broiled in sesame oil, salted, and served with a shot of liquor. Like many phallic-shaped animals, they’re regarded as somewhat of an aphrodisiac. How romantic!

Adresa: Jalgachi Market, 52 Jagalchihaean-ro, Busan, South Korea



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