
Stadium of Domitian

Under your feet

Stadium of Domitian


Descripcion foto: The Stadium of Domitian was commissioned around AD 80 by Emperor Titus Flavius Domitianus as a gift to the people of Rome and was used almost entirely for athletic contests. It was Rome's first permanent venue for competitive athletics, erected for Domitian's celebration of the Capitoline Games and seated approximately 30,000. For "a few years", following fire damage to the Colosseum in AD 217, it was used for gladiator shows, and its arcades were used as brothels. In Christian martyr-legend, St Agnes was put to death there during the reign of the emperor Diocletian, in or near one of its arcades. The Piazza Navona sits over the interior arena of the Stadium.


Completado?: Y

Fecha: 1st Century

Copyright: Copyright to Jean Claude Golvin,


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