
Improvement of Health, Hygiene and Sanitation in selected towns and villages of Sidama Zone, Ethiopia (SNNPR)

Global map of Foreign development and humanitarian aid of the Czech Republic

Improvement of Health, Hygiene and Sanitation in selected towns and villages of Sidama Zone, Ethiopia (SNNPR)

Description: The project was primarily concerned with improving the overall health status of the target communities and preventing infectious diseases in the areas.

SECTOR (OECD): Water supply and sanitation

Budget: 18 890 000 Kč

Implementer: People in Need

Funding organization/s: Czech Development Agency

Project duration: 2017-2020

Web links: Zlepšení zdraví, hygieny a sanitace ve vybraných městech a vesnicích zóny Sidama, Etiopie (SNNPR) (

Social networks:

Contact - implementer: Pomáhejte s námi - Člověk v tísni (

Contact - gestor: Česká rozvojová agentura – Česká republika pomáhá (

Detailed description: The project aims to improve the health status of the target communities and prevent infectious diseases in the target woredas. The improvement of hygiene and sanitation system processes will be led by the People in Need team using a health systems change approach, during which the project will focus on existing health centres and schools and behaviour change methods. The main messages of the project will focus on campaigning for hand washing, keeping clean and using latrines, as well as protecting young children from infectious diseases.

Project identifier: 02/2017/09

Project status: Completed


Region / Federal state: Etiopia: Sidama

Nation-wide project: Selected regions

Project location: Sidama Region

Continent: Africa

Time of realization: 2018, 2017, 2019, 2020
