Description: The project aims to enhance the quality of Ethiopian higher education in the field of agricultural products and at the same time to increase the professional prestige of Hawassa University at the international level by raising the level of scientific research activities of teachers and students.
SECTOR (OECD): Education
Budget: 1 500 000 Kč
Implementer: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Funding organization/s: Czech Development Agency
Project duration: 2014-2015
Web links:
Contact - implementer: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze ČZU (
Contact - gestor: Česká rozvojová agentura – Česká republika pomáhá (
Detailed description: The project contributes to the improvement of quality of Ethiopian higher education in the field of agricultural technologies, as well as to the improvement of Hawassa University’s professional prestige at the international level. These objectives are achieved through increasing the quality of teachers’ and students’ scientific research activities at the Institute of Technology (IoT), Hawassa University. The complex development of scientific and research capacities will be achieved through a collaboration of scientists from the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) and IoT. Czech and Ethiopian scientist will participate in a joint science & research (S&R) team. The project further aims at raising awareness about the importance of science and research, and at providing training sessions for members of the S&R team and for teachers (and students) of IoT. During the course of the project, three one to two-month scientific research missions will be carried out by CULS experts, which will lead to the publication of scientific articles in prestigious scientific journals, as well as to contributions at international conferences. Research activities, as well as the analysis of research results and publication development will be supervised by CULS representatives.
Project identifier: 22/2015/01
Project status: Completed
Region / Federal state: Etiopia: State of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People
Nation-wide project: Selected regions
Project location: Hawassa, SNNPR